Ever since I chose to step into the world of teaching, I continue to the uphold the my personal principle of 3Ps: passion, patience and perseverance. I also a stern believer of “everyone can learn, just not in the same way or on the day“. It is due to this philosophy that I always adopt concepts of connected learning and personalised learning not only in my practices but also in designing activities and materials for learning. I believe learner variability should be given priority in any learning design so that they can truly develop their capacity.
I believe that quality teaching is based upon the learning outcomes of the students, which are not only in terms of increasing their mastery of knowledge and skills but also to enable them in obtaining excellent learning experiences that are everlasting. This process is supported by teaching and learning techniques that are innovative, creative and student-friendly so as to ensure they can apply the knowledge and skills taught besides enculturating lifelong learning practices.
Courses Taught
Generic and Remedial Courses
Academic English 1
Academic English 2
Academic Reading and Writing
Preparatory English 1
Preparatory English 2
English for Social Purposes
English in Media
English for Self-Expression
Effective Communication Skills
ICT Competency
Core Courses
BA English for Global Communication with Honours – FELC
Language, Culture and Communication
BA Linguistics (Hons) – FELC
Linguistics Communication
Language and Computing (Computational Lingusitics)